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NavPOSControls NavButtonPad.

UI element class: LSRetail.NAV.POSControls.ButtonPad

Extends ManagedObject

Extends SeSSimulatedObject

Behavior Pattern: POSControlsButtonPadBehavior

Property Summary

Property Description Getter Setter
ButtonCaption Caption of a button with specified index GetButtonCaption
ColumnCount Number of columns on a page GetColumnCount
FullInfo JSON-formatted info for all buttons GetFullInfo
FullText TAB-separated table with button captions GetFullText
PageCount Number of pages GetPageCount
RowCount Number of rows on a page GetRowCount
ToggleState ToggleState of the button GetToggleState

Action Summary

Action Description
DoClick Click button by caption or no (1-based index)

Property Detail


Caption of a button with specified index

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
textOrId string | number button 'no' (1-based index)

Type: string

Accessors: GetButtonCaption

value = SeS('SomeNavButtonPad').GetButtonCaption(/**string|number*/textOrId)


Number of columns on a page

Type: number

Accessors: GetColumnCount

value = SeS('SomeNavButtonPad').GetColumnCount()


JSON-formatted info for all buttons

Type: string

Accessors: GetFullInfo

value = SeS('SomeNavButtonPad').GetFullInfo()


TAB-separated table with button captions

Type: string

Accessors: GetFullText

value = SeS('SomeNavButtonPad').GetFullText()


Number of pages

Type: number

Accessors: GetPageCount

value = SeS('SomeNavButtonPad').GetPageCount()


Number of rows on a page

Type: number

Accessors: GetRowCount

value = SeS('SomeNavButtonPad').GetRowCount()


ToggleState of the button

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
textOrId string | number caption or 'no' (1-based index)

Type: boolean

Accessors: GetToggleState

value = SeS('SomeNavButtonPad').GetToggleState(/**string|number*/textOrId)

Action Detail


Click button by caption or no (1-based index)

SeS('SomeNavButtonPad').DoClick(textOrId, timeout)


Name Type Description
textOrId string | number caption or 'no' (1-based index)
timeout number number of milliseconds to wait for a button to appear
Optional, Default: "5000".


boolean: 'true' if success, 'false' otherwise.