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This behavior pattern implements standard behavior for AgGrid control.

Extends HTMLObject

Extends SeSSimulatedObject

Behavior Pattern: AgGridBehavior

Property Summary

Property Description Getter Setter
Cell Text of the specified cell. GetCell
ColumnCount Number of columns in the grid. GetColumnCount
ColumnId Internal ID of a column with a given name. GetColumnId
ColumnIndex Index of a column with a given name. GetColumnIndex
ColumnName Caption of a column. GetColumnName
ColumnVisible Returns true if a column is visible on screen, otherwise - false. GetColumnVisible
RowCount Number of rows in the grid. GetRowCount
SelectedRow Index of the selected row. GetSelectedRow
SelectedRowCount Number of selected rows. GetSelectedRowCount
SelectedRows Selected rows. GetSelectedRows

Action Summary

Action Description
DoClickBottomCell Clicks floating bottom cell in the specified column.
DoClickCell Clicks the specified cell.
DoFilterByColumn Enters value into the column filter for specified column.
DoFullText Returns text representation of the table.
DoScrollBy Performs horizontal and vertical scrolling.
DoScrollTo Scrolls to a given row, col.
DoSetCheckbox Clicks floating bottom cell in the specified column.

Property Detail


Text of the specified cell.

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
row number | string Zero-based index of a row or cell text.
col string | number Name of a column or zero-based column index.

Type: string

Accessors: GetCell

value = SeS('SomeAgGrid').GetCell(/**number|string*/row, /**string|number*/col)


Number of columns in the grid.

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
headerIndex number Zero-based index of a header row. Optional. Default value is zero.

Type: number

Accessors: GetColumnCount

value = SeS('SomeAgGrid').GetColumnCount(/**number*/ headerIndex)


Internal ID of a column with a given name. If the column is not available in the viewport returns empty string. The ID can be used instead of a column name in ClickCell.

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
columnName string Name of a column.

Type: string

Accessors: GetColumnId

value = SeS('SomeAgGrid').GetColumnId(/**string*/columnName)


Index of a column with a given name. If the column is not available in the viewport returns -1

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
columnName string Name of a column.

Type: number

Accessors: GetColumnIndex

value = SeS('SomeAgGrid').GetColumnIndex(/**string*/columnName)


Caption of a column.

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
columnIndex number Zero-based index of the column.

Type: string

Accessors: GetColumnName

value = SeS('SomeAgGrid').GetColumnName(/**number*/columnIndex)


Returns true if a column is visible on screen, otherwise - false.

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
columnIndex number Index of a column.

Type: boolean

Accessors: GetColumnVisible

value = SeS('SomeAgGrid').GetColumnVisible(/**number*/columnIndex)


Number of rows in the grid.

Type: number

Accessors: GetRowCount

value = SeS('SomeAgGrid').GetRowCount()


Index of the selected row.

Type: number

Accessors: GetSelectedRow

value = SeS('SomeAgGrid').GetSelectedRow()


Number of selected rows.

Type: number

Accessors: GetSelectedRowCount

value = SeS('SomeAgGrid').GetSelectedRowCount()


Selected rows.

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
asArray boolean If set to true, function returns an array.
separator string Separator character. Possible values: ";", ",", "\", "/"
Optional, Default: ";".

Type: array|string

Accessors: GetSelectedRows

value = SeS('SomeAgGrid').GetSelectedRows(/**boolean*/asArray, /**string*/separator)

Action Detail


Clicks floating bottom cell in the specified column.

SeS('SomeAgGrid').DoClickBottomCell(col, clickType, xOffset, yOffset)


Name Type Description
col string | number Column name or zero-based index of the column.
clickType string Type of click, can be one of "L" - left click, "LD" - double left click, "R" - right click, "RD" - double right click, "M" - middle click, "MD" - double middle click, "N" - don't click Possible values: "L", "LD", "R", "RD", "M", "MD", "N"
Optional, Default: "L".
xOffset number X offset to click within a cell. Default is center.
yOffset number Y offset to click within a cell. Default is center.


boolean: 'true' if successful, 'false' otherwise


Clicks the specified cell.

SeS('SomeAgGrid').DoClickCell(row, col, clickType, xOffset, yOffset)


Name Type Description
row number | string Zero-based index if the row or text of a cell in the specified column.
col string | number Zero-based index of the column or column name.
clickType string Type of click, can be one of "L" - left click, "LD" - double left click, "R" - right click, "RD" - double right click, "M" - middle click, "MD" - double middle click, "N" - don't click Possible values: "L", "LD", "R", "RD", "M", "MD", "N"
Optional, Default: "L".
xOffset number X offset to click within node. Default is a center.
yOffset number Y offset to click within node. Default is a center.


boolean: 'true' if successful, 'false' otherwise


Enters value into the column filter for specified column.

SeS('SomeAgGrid').DoFilterByColumn(col, value)


Name Type Description
col string | number Column name or zero-based index of the column.
value string Value to filter by.


boolean: 'true' if successful, 'false' otherwise


Returns text representation of the table.



string |
boolean: Text representation of the grid, 'true' if the file was successfully written, 'false' otherwise.


Performs horizontal and vertical scrolling.

SeS('SomeAgGrid').DoScrollBy(h, v, withArrows)


Name Type Description
h number Number of horizontal scroll actions, positive - right, negative - left.
v number Number of vertical scroll actions, positive - down, negative - up.
withArrows boolean By default it is false, when set to true then scrolling is performed via arrow keys.
Optional, Default: "false".


boolean: 'true' if successful, 'false' otherwise


Scrolls to a given row, col.

SeS('SomeAgGrid').DoScrollTo(row, col, left, up, rewind, useArrows)


Name Type Description
row number Index of a row to make visible on screen. If row is -1 then no vertical scrolling is performed.
col string Name of a column to make visible on screen. If col is empty or null then no horizontal scrolling is performed.
left boolean By default it is false, when set to true then horizontal scrolling direction is left side.
Optional, Default: "false".
up boolean By default it is false, when set to true then vertical scrolling direction is up side.
Optional, Default: "false".
rewind boolean By default it is false, when set to true then before scrolling the grid is positioned to make top-left cell visible. May not work with some grids.
Optional, Default: "false".
useArrows boolean By default it is false, when set to true then horizontal scrolling is performed via arrow keys.
Optional, Default: "false".


boolean: 'true' if successful, 'false' otherwise


Clicks floating bottom cell in the specified column.

SeS('SomeAgGrid').DoSetCheckbox(row, col)


Name Type Description
row number | string Zero-based index if the row or text of a cell in the specified column.
col string | number Column name or zero-based index of the column.


boolean: 'true' if successful, 'false' otherwise