We can train your QA team to effectively use Rapise for UI test automation. If you are switching from manual testing it is a highly recommended option for you. Please contact to arrange.
Training may be a part of Rapise Quick-Start implementation package.
The proposed training is an interactive process. Our instructors both provide online sessions and give lab tasks to check the level of understanding of participants.
The implementation of lab tasks by the participants requires them to have the necessary prerequisites (have a computer available, Rapise is installed and licensed on the computer, have access to training SpiraTest instance and have certain amount of time to attend sessions and complete lab tasks).
We provide sessions via Zoom. The length of each session is about 1 hour. Each session starts from review of lab tasks assigned in the previous session and comments about any common issues. Also it contains a Q&A section for questions asked in the previous session. Then at the end of the session there is another Q&A section where instructors collect new questions: some questions are answered immediately and others are answered in the next session.
We expect that participants deliver lab results at the end of the day following the day of a session and then the next day our instructors check the completed lab tasks. This process allows to have two sessions per week.
Each person attending training should have:
- Individual PC with Rapise installed
- Access to training SpiraTest instance
- Access to demo applications
Sample Training Plan¶
We adjust training plans according to customer needs. Here is an example of such a plan.
Session 1: Rapise Basics¶
- Rapise IDE Basics
- Getting Help
- Report View
- Test Automation Tips & Tricks
- Recording
- Execution
- Spira Integration Basics
Lab Tasks
Record and playback a simple test. Upload result to SpiraTest.
Session 2: Rapise Visual Language¶
- Data-driven Testing
Lab Tasks
Implement a test scenario in RVL.
Session 3: JavaScript Basics¶
- JavaScript Basics
Lab Tasks
Write a function in JavaScript according to a specification.
Session 4: Cross-browser Testing¶
- Cross-browser Testing
- Web Testing
- Web Spy
Lab Tasks
Using WebSpy build and test XPATH expressions for specific elements on a given Web page.
Session 5: SpiraTest Integration¶
- SpiraTest Integration
- Test Management in Spira
- RapiseLauncher
Lab Tasks
Save a test to SpiraTest and execute it via RapiseLauncher with passing configuration parameters from SpiraTest.
Session 6: Frameworks¶
- Sub-tests
- Invoke One Test from Another
- Custom Library
Lab Tasks
Implement a demo test case using features of the presented framework.
Session 7: Dynamics 365 for Sales¶
- Recording Tips
- Launching Dynamics
- UI Controls Supported by Rapise
Lab Tasks
Implement a test case for demo Dynamics CRM instance.
Session 8: JavaScript in Rapise¶
- How to write Custom Functions using Rapise API
Lab Tasks
Write a custom function interacting with Web elements on the page and using Rapise API.