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In RVL, the Repository declaration is used to import objects from external repositories into the current RVL sheet:

Flow Type Object Action ParamName ParamType ParamValue
Repository prefixpath

Here, path refers to the Objects.js file that contains the object definitions, and prefix is a string you can specify to be appended to each object's ID.


Flow Type Object Action ParamName ParamType ParamValue
Repository AuthorsView/ %WORKDIR%\TestCases\AuthorManagement\AuthorsView\Objects.js

In this example, if AuthorsView contains a button labeled "Save", it will be accessible in RVL as "AuthorsView/Save".

Adding an External Repository

Consider a scenario where we have a test case named CalcButtons that contains all the buttons from the Calculator application. Now, if we want to use these pre-learned buttons in another scenario called CalcAddition:

Need external repository

We can define a Repository command to import the objects with a "Buttons/" prefix. This way, all imported objects will appear in the dropdown with the "Buttons/" prefix:

External Repository object

Finally, you can implement the entire scenario using these imported objects:

External repository

Using an Empty Prefix

The previous example can also be implemented with an empty Repository prefix, as shown below:

Repository with Empty Prefix

In this case, Repository objects are accessed exactly as they are listed in the Objects tree.

Importing Multiple Repositories

Often, it's more practical to divide the object repository into smaller segments and include only those necessary for a specific test case.

Consider a LibraryInformationSystem application with several screens. We've defined multiple test cases in a folder named Views, each containing objects from a specific screen.

  • Nav contains a navigation bar:

Navigation Objects

  • Authors contains an author list:

Authors Objects

  • EditAuthor contains controls for an author editor form:

Edit Author Objects

Now, if we want to implement a scenario where a new author is created, we need to navigate to the Authors view using the link from the Nav bar, click the Create New Author link, and then fill out the Edit Author form.

We can achieve this by including objects from each of these views using the Repository command with the respective prefix values: Nav/, Authors/, and EditAuthor/.

Import Scenario Objects

Flow Type Object Action ParamName ParamType ParamValue
Repository Nav/ %WORKDIR%\TestCases\Views\Nav\Objects.js
Repository Authors/ %WORKDIR%\TestCases\Views\Authors\Objects.js
Repository EditAuthor/ %WORKDIR%\TestCases\Views\EditAuthor\Objects.js

Now, each object is available with its prefix. For example, to click on the "Authors" link from the Nav bar, use "Nav/Authors". To save, use "EditAuthor/Save_Author", etc.:

Edit Author

Using Drag & Drop

You can either declare the repository by typing it manually or add it by dragging and dropping the [Objects] node into the RVL:

Drag&Drop Repository

By default, the prefix is assigned as <test case name>/, where <test case name> represents the name of the test case owning the repository, and / is used as a delimiter for readability.


It is advisable to declare Repository entries in the RVL preamble, which means placing them at the beginning of the script.