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Assert is an essential operation for testing and validation. RVL provides special structure for it to make it more readable.

Assertion has 2 parts: 1st row is Assert containing assertion message and then goes Condition:

Flow Type Object Action ParamName ParamType ParamValue
Assert message string
Param param1
Condition condition statement
Param param2

Assertion first line is always the same except the Param Value.

In RVL Action always refers to an operation performed with object.

Flow Type Object Action ParamName ParamType ParamValue
Assert message string Assertion text to be displayed in the report
Param param1 string Text1
Condition param1!=param2
Param param2 string Text2


Compare object property InnerText with expected value:


Flow Type Object Action ParamName ParamType ParamValue
Assert message string Verify that: InnerText=Sister Carrie
Action Sister_Carrie GetInnerText
Condition output1 == param2
Param param2 string Sister Carrie

Check if object exists on the screen:

Assertion object exists

Flow Type Object Action ParamName ParamType ParamValue
# Check that object 'Sister_Carrie' exists
Assert message string Check that object 'Sister_Carrie' exists
Action Global DoWaitFor objectId objectid Sister_Carrie
Condition output1 IsSet

Check if variable Age has value '74':

Assertion check variable value

Flow Type Object Action ParamName ParamType ParamValue
# Check that variable 'Age' contains value 74
Assert message string Check that Age=74
Param param1 variable Age
Condition param1 == param2
Param param2 string 74