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New in Rapise 8.2 (July 2024)



New Object API


  • Global object renaming [IN:8680]
  • Allow to change local execution parameters without playing a test [IN:8949]
  • Make Test Framework a Default [IN:9205]
  • Increase max Test Case loading count in Spira Dashboard to 10k [IN:9236]
  • Drag & Drop object from repository to objectId parameter value in RVL [IN:9278]
  • Don't create Spira test case for template test cases [IN:9281]
  • Make active test set actions more visible on the Framework page [IN:9283]
  • Add deasync to default NPM packages [IN:9303]
  • 🚀 Speed up test loading when many RVL files are open [IN:9317]
  • Add all Files - make recursive [IN:9319]
  • Auto-fix JS cache issues [IN:9322]
  • Skip template test cases from Play All [IN:9328]
  • Set embedded Node engine global module path to ProgramData [IN:9333]
  • WebAppProfile: treatMouseUpAsClick and treatMouseDownAsClick options [IN:9379]
  • When we stop Debugging manually - do not open Report [IN:9392]
  • Add tags recorder and skip to shared .js files [IN:9425]
  • 🚀 Large project: improve speed of switching between tabs and opening a new document [IN:9426]
  • 🚀 Spira Dashboard: improve test case search speed on Framework tab [IN:9472]
  • Disable all navigation in Spira Dashboard while Sync with Spira is in progress [IN:9475]
  • OnSave hook [IN:9520]
  • In Node Engine show null in watch as null, not as {...} [IN:9567]
  • Allow to specify additional arguments for Chrome embedded into Rapise [IN:9580]
  • Allow to merge Browserstack mobile params set via profile and via additional capabilities callback [IN:9674]
  • Remove Personalize your web experience popup in Edge for Web tests [IN:9734]
  • New Splash Screen [IN:9749]
  • Enable regex:.* in locators for managed [IN:9751]
  • Add support for contenteditable attribute [IN:9769]
  • Do not record on change events with isTrusted == false [IN:9774]
  • Save AI sessions and messages inside framework [IN:9815]
  • Enhance Text.Format to allow simple string parameters [IN:9824]
  • AgGrid: support for treegrid role [IN:9833]

Bug Fixes

  • Spira integration: take into account that a test case can be named just like framework itself [IN:9267]
  • Spira integration: if for some reason a test can not be loaded - do not switch project id [IN:9268]
  • Spira integration: if a user does not have access to the selected project - Load From Spira dialog is not opening [IN:9269]
  • Reveal in explorer fails if test case name contains , [IN:9280]
  • Delete test set on Framework tab should also delete it in Spira [IN:9282]
  • When a test case is deleted in Rapise, its link to Spira should be removed [IN:9284]
  • Load from Spira does not load metadata files for Frameworks [IN:9288]
  • Trailing whitespace in Spira server URL breaks dashboard & savetospira [IN:9302]
  • Play All defaults to WScript [IN:9315]
  • Find in Files hangs when one of framework files does not exist [IN:9318]
  • Automation host token gets cut [IN:9325]
  • RapiseLauncher failes to clone a repository after update [IN:9326]
  • Wrong test case is selected in Choose Test Case dialog [IN:9327]
  • Trailing slash in Appium URL in Mobile Profile causes inability to connect [IN:9360]
  • New Test Case with Mobile methodology does not see local mobile profiles [IN:9361]
  • Play This in Object Tree starts playback from the very beginning [IN:9382]
  • ParamStartPage - Fails if test path root contains whitespaces [IN:9404]
  • Rapise stays collapsed if debugger stays on breakpoint to quickly [IN:9423]
  • RaspieLauncher incorrectly overrides GitRoot set in GitCredentials using Env Var [IN:9473]
  • Spira Dashboard deletes Framework root test case when saving to Spira in case of Git repository [IN:9474]
  • SeSOnTestFailed not executed for nested tests [IN:9498]
  • Functions/Variables are vanished when new test case is created [IN:9499]
  • Show Location in RVL does not work if object is from Shared repository [IN:9505]
  • Rapise - creating a new json file doesn't work properly, causes issues with .sstest file [IN:9508]
  • Fix Azure TAP writer [IN:9553]
  • Salesforce Classic Grid - DoClick not working with Sleenium - Chrome profile [IN:9557]
  • Corrupted .sstest leads to infinite loading. Need to show some more verbose. [IN:9583]
  • Confirmation and Prompt alerts return wrong value [IN:9721]
  • StopOnError works incorrectly for AssertEqual/AssertSmth [IN:9738]
  • Save To Spira: incompatibility with Spira before version 6.10 [IN:9762]
  • REST tab is not added when adding 1st REST file to a new framework [IN:9768]
  • Problem in saving web request when an object file contains objects with "-" in name [IN:9892]