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Spira Dashboard

In Rapise 7 we completely reworked the Spira Dashboard. It has all new look and features. New dashboard reduces the need to open Spira in a browser window and also adds support for Flaky test handling, Rerun features and ability to run a test case/whole test set/or just failed test cases on a selected automation host.

Dashboard Overview

In Rapise 8 we added the Framework mode that has a different set of pages in the dashboard:

Framework Dashboard Overview


If you are not familiar with the dashboard and it's basic features it is recommended to review Navigation and Tasks sections first.

Flaky Tests


To enable this feature setup custom properties as described below.

If you see that some test may pass or fail randomly there is a way to mark it as Flaky. Simply find it in Test Cases View and use Actions menu to set the flag. Flaky test case is decorated with an icon (red flag):

Flaky Test Case

When a test case marked as Flaky is executed - it's test run is marked as Flaky too.

Flaky Test Case


Flaky flag makes it easier to distinguish random and important test run failures.

Automatic Rerun


To enable this feature setup custom properties as described below.

To instruct RapiseLauncher to rerun a failed test case use Max rerun attempts test set custom property. If a test case keeps failing it will be additionally executed specified number of times (by default it is zero). To stop rerunning tests if many of them finally failed use Do not rerun if N tests failed property. By default this property is zero and it means rerun all the tests in a test set if Max rerun attempts is set.

Rerun Settings

Test runs that correspond to reruns are decorated with icons. Number in a circle designates rerun attempt.


Parallel Execution


To enable this feature setup custom properties as described below.

Since Rapise 7.1 - RapiseLauncher is able to perform parallel run for these types of tests:

  1. Web tests configured to run with Selenium WebDriver,
  2. Mobile tests,
  3. REST/SOAP API tests.

In order to mark a test case ready for parallel run set the custom property Ready for parallel run in test case details.

Test Case Properties

If all test cases included into a test set have this property, the test set is configured for parallel run - RapiseLauncher will execute the test cases in parallel.

To configure the test set use the custom properties Run tests in parallel and Max parallel tests (0 - no limit).

Since Rapise 7.2 - RapiseLauncher can run configurations (see Input Data Table section below) in parallel. This feature is controlled via Unroll input data for parallel execution custom property of a test set. See the Parallel Execution Webinar for more details.

Input Data Table


To enable this feature setup custom properties as described below.

Since Rapise 7.1 you may define a table with parameter values to automatically run same test set with different input data. It is an alternative to test configurations.

  1. Create a CSV or TXT file with parameter names and values. You may do it right from the dashboard (navigate to test set details and use Create New popup menu in the Attachments section). Example of the data file:

  2. Choose this attachment in the Input data custom property.

RapiseLauncher will run the test set same number of times as data rows in the input file. Every column name will become a global parameter passed to a test case.


Besides attachments there is an option to use a file stored in the same Git repository as the testing framework. You may type a path to it in the Input data custom property. The path should contain %GITROOT% placeholder, e.g.:


Test Matrix

If a Test Set is configured to run same Test Cases several times (each time with different input parameters) then one may view the Test Matrix based on produced Test Runs. Let's look at the example. Assume that we have a test set of 5 test cases that we want to run on 2 different browsers. Browser type is specified via an input parameter (see Input Data Table section above for more details). Execution of the test set produces 4 x 2 = 10 test runs. After execution we find one of these test runs on the Test Runs page, right click it and choose Test Matrix menu item. Then we see the matrix:

Test Matrix

If there are more than one input parameter - it is possible to select the one you need from the dropdown. Clicking on a test case reveals the history of test runs for it (clickable).

Test Set Execution Plan

Since Rapise 7.3 you may view an execution plan for any test set. Navigate to Test Sets page in the dashboard, find the test set you need, expand Action menu for it (last column) and choose Show Execution Plan... menu item. Rapise will open a dialog with the execution plan for selected test set. In the execution plan you may see:

  • Sequence of execution of test cases included into the test set
  • Parameter values that will be passed to a test case by RapiseLauncher (all columns to the right of Test Case column)
  • Parallelism level:
    • Sequential - all test cases are executed sequentially, all configurations are executed sequentially too.
    • Parallel - all test cases are executed in parallel for each configuration, configurations are executed sequentially. In this case second column || is colored with green.
    • Parallel configurations - all test cases and configurations are executed in parallel. In this case first column ||| is colored with green.

Execution Plan

Test Set Scheduling

Since Rapise 7.4 you may schedule a test set directly from the dashboard. Navigate to Test Sets page in the dashboard, find the test set you need, expand Action menu for it (last column) and choose Schedule... menu item. Rapise will open a dialog with scheduling options for selected test set. In the dialog you may specify:

  • Date/time of execution
  • Recurrence (One Time, Daily, etc.)
  • Automation Host


Dynamic Test Sets

In Rapise 8.4, we added support for Dynamic Test Sets, a powerful feature that lets you execute targeted tests based on specific criteria. Instead of manually selecting individual test cases, you can now define a test set using properties like name, tags, and parameters, similar to filtering in tools like Microsoft VSTest. This allows you to focus your testing efforts on particular scenarios, such as smoke tests or regression tests for a specific bug fix.

CSV Editor

Since Rapise 7.3 you may use convenient CSV editor to create and change Test Set attachments, especially those used as Input Data Table.

CSV Editor

To view a CSV attachment there is no need to open it, just place mouse pointer over the attachment name:

CSV Tooltip

Git Credentials Storage

Since Rapise 7.3 it is possible to share Git credentials between test sets. If you used Rapise, SpiraTest and Git together then you know that it was necessary to provide Git credentials for each test set. Now you can create Git credentials records via the dashboard and reference them in test sets.

On the Test Sets page find Git Credentials button at the top and click on it.


In Rapise versions lower than 8.0 find Git Credentials button at the bottom of the main dashboard page.

You will see the dialog with configured Git credentials. If you are doing it for the first time - the dialog will be empty.

Git Credentials Dialog

In the dialog one can add, edit and remove credentials. A set of credentials looks like this:

Git Credentials

When credentials are tested and saved it is time to navigate to a test set and choose the credentials in the Git Credentials dropdown.

Git Credentials Assignment

How to Open

To open the dashboard use main menu View > Spira Dashboard. If you wish Rapise to open the dashboard automatically on startup - open the Rapise Settings dialog and set ShowDashboardOnStartup flag to true.

The dashboard contains top level menu to switch between views and a dropdown to switch between products/projects. There is also a button to refresh data and search field to filter data in the current view. Filtering is applied to a column with orange caption (usually Name).

Dashboard Main Menu

Data Tables

In many cases first column of a data table contains ID of an item in Spira. You may click an ID to expand the corresponding item.


In Rapise 7.3 and older clicking on ID opens corresponding item in a browser. To open an item in Rapise 7.4+ use Action column menu (Open in Spira).

Data Table

Each data table has a menu opener (hamburger) located in the top right corner. The menu contains some predefined filters and also allows to reveal filter row and choose what columns to show (since Rapise 7.2 the list of columns to show is stored in the dashboard settings). Clicking a column caption turns on sorting.

Hierarchical Tables

Many tables in the dashboard are hierarchical, clicking on item icon or item ID expands corresponding row and reveals nested items or item details.


If you have Rapise 7.3 or older use plus/minus icons to expand/collapse.

Row Details


Since Rapise 7.1 you may use double click to expand/collapse row details. Double click anywhere on the row you want to expand/collapse.

Tree View

Test cases and test sets may be placed into folders in Spira. The dashboard loads folder hierarchy. To navigate it click on folder icons.

Folder Tree


Since Rapise 7.1 you may use double click to expand/collapse folders. Double click anywhere on the row with folder you want to expand/collapse.


Some tables include Action column. It allows the user to perform certain actions on an item displayed in the row where Action menu is expanded.



Here is the list of tasks you may accomplish with the dashboard.

Connect To Spira

If you did not connect Rapise to Spira yet, you will be prompted to enter the connection info.

No Connection

To get your API Key follow these steps.

Assign Automation Host Token

If you did not assign an automation host token to the machine where Rapise is running you may do it in Automation Hosts view. You may even create a new host there.

Automation Hosts

Framework View (Rapise 8.0+)

The Framework mode was introduced in Rapise 8.0 to simplify test case and test set management, as well as the management of parameters, page objects/modules, object repositories, and shared code. The legacy Single Test mode required dealing with Sub-Tests and linking tests to SpiraTest on a per test case basis, whereas in the Framework mode, there is a single button labeled Sync with Spira that handles everything. When this button is pressed, test cases and test sets are automatically synchronized with SpiraTest, and files are uploaded/downloaded.

Framework View

Manage Test Sets

The Framework view has a dropdown with test sets defined in the current framework.

Test Set Dropdown

Use New Test Set button (highlighted above) to create new test set. Below the test set dropdown find the controls related to the active/selected test set.

Test Set Details

  • 1 - dropdown with the names of defined test set configurations,
  • 2 - test set description,
  • 3 - Action menu,
  • 4 - ID of the corresponding test set in SpiraTest.

Action dropdown allows to

Test Set Action Dropdown

  • Immediately Execute the test set on the local machine via RapiseLauncher.
  • Schedule the test set for later execution (one time or recurrent).
  • Rename the test set.
  • Delete the test set.
  • Open the test set in Spira (in the default browser).

Manage Test Cases

Below the test set controls find the list of test cases in the current framework. You may switch between viewing all test cases

All Test Cases Filter

or just included into the active test set.

Included Test Cases Filter

In All Test Cases view use checkboxes to include/remove a test case. In Included Test Cases view use hamburger icons to reorder test cases.

For every test case there is also Action dropdown that allows to Open in Spira corresponding test case. IDs on the right side of the test cases table are IDs of corresponding test cases in SpiraTest.

Sync with Spira

When making changes such as creating, renaming, or deleting a test set, including or removing test cases, or reordering test cases, these actions are performed locally, and to update the SpiraTest side, use the Sync with Spira button.

Sync with Spira Button

Additionally, ensure to use this button after creating a new test case in the framework to make it available for inclusion in a test set.


The Sync with Spira button is a powerful tool that manages various tasks, including creating test cases and test sets in SpiraTest, establishing links to Rapise tests, and facilitating file upload and download operations.

Explore these knowledge base topics to discover common usage scenarios:

Execute Active Test Set

Use Execute button to launch selected test set on a local machine via RapiseLauncher.

Execute Test Set Button

Parameters View (Rapise 8.0+)

Just like Framework View this view is available in new frameworks created with Rapise 8.0+. It is used to manage framework parameters and configurations, and described here.

Dashboard View (legacy)


This view is enabled for legacy tests and frameworks and is not available in the new Framework mode. If you are dealing with a new framework created with Rapise 8.0+, a Framework View is displayed.

Browse Framework Tests

The dashboard view shows tests included in the currently opened test framework (parent test and it's sub-tests).


Since Rapise 7.1 you may double click a test in this table to open it in Rapise.


Since Rapise 7.2 you may select tests using checkboxes in the first column and perform additional actions:

  • create a test set from selected test cases,
  • append selected test cases to existing test set
  • execute selected test cases on the local host
  • execute selected test cases on another automation host

A test has a checkbox near it if it is linked to a test cases belonging to selected project.

View Test Set Status Graph

Requires Rapise 7.2. The Test Set Status graph shows the aggregated count of test cases in each execution status for each test set in the product. If you have the same test cases in multiple test sets they are all counted separately to make sure you can tell that tests have passed successfully across test sets. This is helpful when testing across different environments.

Setup Custom Properties


Since Rapise 8.0 custom properties are created from the Test Runs view, because Rapise needs to create the properties for Test Runs only. Test Cases and Test Sets since Rapise 8.0 store the properties in it's description.

Some features of the dashboard require additional custom properties to exist in Test Cases, Test Sets and Test Runs. Click Create Custom Properties for Rapise button to add the following custom properties in the selected project:

  • Test Runs
    • Flaky (boolean, default is false)
    • Run attempt (integer, default is 1)
    • Tag (string, empty by default, requires Rapise 7.1+)
  • Test Cases
    • Flaky (boolean, default is false)
    • Ready for parallel run (boolean, default is false, requires Rapise 7.1+)
  • Test Sets
    • Max rerun attempts (integer, default is 0)
    • Do not rerun if N tests failed (integer, default is 0)
    • Rerun test set if failed (boolean, default is false, requires Rapise 7.1+)
    • Run tests in parallel (boolean, default is false, requires Rapise 7.1+)
    • Max parallel tests (integer, default is 0 (no limit), requires Rapise 7.1+)
    • Unroll input data for parallel execution (boolean, default is false, requires Rapise 7.2+)
    • Input data (string, empty by default, requires Rapise 7.1+)
    • Record videos (boolean, default is false)
    • Verbose level (integer, default is 1)
    • GitUrl, GitUser, GitPassword, GitBranch, GitRoot (string, empty by default)
    • Git Credentials (dropdown value choice, requires Rapise 7.3)

Clicking the button more than once is safe. If a custom property exists - Rapise won't create a duplicate. To create the custom properties you will need to enter administrator credentials (user name and API Key).

Perform Test Actions

Action menu for a test allows to

  1. Open the test in Rapise
  2. Link the test to a test case in Spira
  3. Unlink the test from a test case in Spira
  4. Execute the test (if linked to a test case) via RapiseLauncher on the local machine or a selected automation host. Requires Rapise 7.1+.

Test Cases View

Browse Test Cases

In the test cases view one may see the tree of test cases for a project, discover when a test case was last executed and status of execution.

Since Rapise 7.2 one may change global Test Case filter from All to My Assigned. Rapise 8.0 adds one more filter - Framework.

View Test Case Details

Expanding a test case reveals last 10 runs of it. The details pane also shows test case parameters (editable, requires Rapise 7.1+) and custom properties (editable).

Perform Test Case Actions

Action menu for a test case allows to

  1. Immediately Execute the test case on the local host.
  2. Execute the test case on a selected Automation Host. It will run as soon as RapiseLauncher on that host is ready.
  3. Mark the test case as Flaky or remove the flag.
  4. Add default parameters to the test case (legacy, use Test Set level custom properties to control verbose and video recording). The list of default parameters includes:
    • g_verboseLevel = 1
    • g_enableVideoRecording = false
  5. Open This Test in Rapise. It is a shortcut for Open a test from SpiraTest.
  6. Rename a test case or a test case folder.
  7. Delete a test case.
  8. Open in Spira - open current item in a browser window.


For execution of a test case on a selected automation host (#2) - Rapise will use a special test set with the name of the automation host.

Create New Test Case

If you want to create a test case in a specific folder - select corresponding row in the table, otherwise the test case will be created in the root folder. Click the New Test Case button at the bottom of the view and provide necessary details in the opened modal dialog.

Test Sets View

Browse Test Sets

In the test sets view one may see the tree of test sets for a project, discover when a test set was last executed and status of execution.

Since Rapise 7.2 one may change global Test Set filter from All to My Assigned. Rapise 8.0 adds one more filter - Framework.

Since Rapise 7.3 it is possible to change the way of calculating test set execution status. If you are using rerun features or include same test case multiple times into the same test set then it is recommended to set Calculate Test Set Status from Test Runs option:

Calculate Test Set Status from Test Runs

If this option is not set then test set status is calculated based on the latest run for each included test case.

View Test Set Details

Expanding a test set reveals the list of included test cases. The details pane also shows test set parameters (editable, requires Rapise 7.1+) and custom properties (editable).

Add Test Cases

Press Add Test Cases to open the test cases tree, select test cases and append them to the test set.

Reorder Test Cases

Using hamburger icon next to a test case ID one may reorder test cases in a test set.

Test Case Actions

Use Action menu to

  1. Remove a test case from the test
  2. Open a dialog to edit Test Set Test Case parameters (requires Rapise 7.1+)

Perform Test Set Actions

Action menu for a test set allows to

  1. Immediately Execute the test set on the local host.
  2. Execute the test set on a selected Automation Host. It will run as soon as RapiseLauncher on that host is ready.
  3. Rerun just failed test cases on a selected Automation Host.
  4. Schedule the test set.
  5. Show Execution Plan for the test set.
  6. Rename a test case or a test case folder.
  7. Delete a test case.
  8. Open in Spira - open current item in a browser window.


For execution of a test set on a selected automation host (#2,#3) Rapise will use a special test set with the name of the automation host. Since Rapise 8.1 there is a checkbox to allow execution of the original test set.

Create New Test Set

If you want to create a test set in a specific folder - select corresponding row in the table, otherwise the test set will be created in the root folder. Click the New Test Set button at the bottom of the view and provide necessary details in the opened modal dialog.

Test Runs View

Browse Test Runs

This view shows most recent test run reports. One may see test run status and execution time and duration. If a test run is failed - Details column displays the first error message.

Since Rapise 7.1 to view just test runs of a specific test set run use Tag column popup menu Filter by Tag. If you run the test set with different configurations then configuration number is reflected in the tag name, e.g. QZH_Config3. If a test run corresponds to automatic rerun of a failed test set it has suffix Rerun, e.g. DCB_Rerun. First three letters of the tag name is a random string. generated for test set run by RapiseLauncher.


To enable Filter by Tag feature setup custom properties as described below.

View Test Run Details

Expanding a test run reveals the report with execution status for every test step. The details pane also contains links to download test run attachments and execution log.

Test Matrix View

Direct navigation to this page produces empty result. To see the Test Matrix navigate to the Test Runs view, right click Test Run tag and choose Test Matrix from popup menu.

Automation Hosts View

This view displays automation hosts configured in selected project. You may create a new one using the form on this page.

Incidents View

This view displays last 500 incidents and allows to create new ones.