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Understanding the Script


When you create a new test in Rapise, four files are created:

  • <TestName>.sstest - the test project file (e.g. MyTest.sstest)
  • Main.js - the main test script file that contains the entry point of the test - Test function.
  • Objects.js - the file that contains recorded objects.
  • User.js - the file that contains user defined functions.
  • Main.rvl.xlsx - an RVL file for RVL-enabled tests.

where <TestName> is the name of your Test.

You can have as many JavaScript files in your test directory as you like, but Main.js is the main test script (unless you specify otherwise in the Settings Dialog). When you record, your interactions are written to Main.js and objects are written to Objects.js when you Playback the test, Main.js is the script that will run.  All Rapise test scripts must have the same basic structure.


If you are going to modify the script, or create a test script from scratch, you will need to know the test script structure.

Basic Script


Main.js always contains two things: Test(param) entry point function and g_load_libraries array containing the libraries needed for this test case.

// Default entry point of the test
function Test()
    //script logic

// List of loaded libraries. It is automatically populated by the recorder.
g_load_libraries=["Web"]; // This script will load the Web library


User.js Is a place where to put functions and variables specific to a given test case.

//Put your custom functions and variables in this file


Object.js is an object repository. You may consider it as a JSON definition assigned to a saved_script_objects variable.

var saved_script_objects = 
   //array of objects used in this script.



Full script

The following callback functions are also recognized by Rapise and may be present in the test script. Put these functions either in Main.js or User.js.


This callback function is called once before script playback. It should be used to initialize script-wide data (counters, open datasets, etc).


SeSOnTestInit may be used multiple times. For example, one may use it in the custom library to launch an application or clean up the logs and then use it in the test to do test-specific actions.

Please, note: SeSOnTestInit should be not be put into the Test because Test is invoked after initialization.

Deprecated: You may also define a global function TestInit() that works the same way as a callback. However if there are many such functions, only one will actually work.


This function defines a callback that is called once after test execution. It should be used to release resources (data sets, spreadsheets). It may also be used as an integration point with external test management or bug tracking systems.


SeSOnTestFinish may be used multiple times. For example, one may use it in the custom library to close an application.

Deprecated: You may also define a global function TestFinish() that works the same way as a callback. However if there are many such functions, only one will actually work.


For advanced users; SeSOnTestPrepare callback is called before recording and before playback. It may be used to properly initialize libraries.

Please, note that SeSOnTestPrepare may be put into a shared file. In this case it will be executed for playback but not for recording (because recorder does not load shared files). But if you put it into your library, it will be executed in all cases when library is loaded.


SeSOnTestPrepare may be used multiple times. For example, one may use it in the custom library to configure environment for the application and then use it in the test to do test-specific actions.

Please, note: SeSOnTestPrepare should not be put into the Test() because Test() is invoked after initialization.

Deprecated: You may also define a global function TestPrepare() that works the same way as a callback. However if there are many such functions, only one will actually work.


May be used to do something on test failure event.

    Log("Test Failed");

status parameter will always be 0 (Failed) or -1 (Undefined).


Final point, called when report is closed and is ready for post-processing.

    // Don't use anything that writes to the report at this point!
    // Only low level operations and functions: File, WScript.Shell etc.
    Log("Test done with status: "+g_testPassed);
    Log("Report file: "+g_reportFileName);


Final point, called when object is not found on the screen.

SeSOnObjectNotFound(function (/**string*/ objectId, /**object*/params){
    // When 'Back' is not on the screen, use 'Home' instead.
    if(objectId=='Back') return SeS('Home', params);

objectId - object id; params - additional locator parameters (if any).


A way to modify default object locator value. Useful when you, for example.

SeSOnLocatorValue(function(/**string*/ value, /**object*/objInfo) {
    // We use '{home_xpath}' as a placeholder to replace it with different value here.
    // ID is accessible as objInfo.object_id
    if(value=='{home_xpath}') return "//a[@href='Default.aspx']";
    return value;

value - value to replace; objInfo - all locator values.


Allows interrupting Tester._Report and either changing it or checking it. Tester._Report is internally called by all Tester.*Assert calls executed by user or internally by other parts of Rapise (i.e. each Obj.DoAction writes a line into report).

SeSOnReportMessage(function(/**string*/ type, /**string*/ message, /**number*/ status, /**SeSReportLink|SeSReportText|SeSReportImage|Object[]*/ data, /**object*/ tags) {
// return true - skip the message from being reported
// return false / nothing - proceed with this message

See Also

To specify a different test script, see the Settings Dialog. The test script is specified by Settings > ScriptPath.